JUST DO IT Engineers have to bring on solutions in accordance with constraints. This event concentrates on bringing in optimized solution with given parameters
REQUIRED SKILLS: Basic microcontroller programming Selection procedure of drives and sensors Problem analyzer and quick solution providing capability
SCENERIO: Given sequence of factory shop floor where components with technical defects are placed in between the normal component Mobile robot has to sense the component and pick the component and place it in the rejected lot
COMPETETION: Analyzing the situation and build the bot with required constraints and parameters to accomplish the given task
DURING THE COMPETETION: The team has to test the bot in the given layout The final bot will be judged comparing with respect to the initial design document Endurance and durability of the bot will be taken into concern
2. Robot specification
4.Rules compilation
5.Time Task Optimization
6.Effectiveness of the robot work
7. Logic
8.Simplicity of bot
Team size:3 members